Get rid of gum infections

Get rid of gum infections

We offer you ways to get rid of periodontal infections , which is sometimes called gum disease, which are cases of bacteria buildup in the oral cavity that, if not treated properly, can eventually lead to tooth loss, as a result of damage that occurs in the mouth as it affects the covering layer. the teeth.

Symptoms of gingivitis

Gingivitis in its initial stages is without specific signs or symptoms such as pain, although the symptoms and signs associated with periodontal disease are usually mild and mild, but in most cases gingivitis is accompanied by signs and symptoms that are particularly characteristic of it.

 Symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Bleeding gums when brushing teeth.
  • Gum redness, swelling and hypersensitivity.
  • A foul odor or a foul taste is constantly emitted from the mouth.
  • The appearance of deep gaps between the gums and the surface of the tooth.
  • Tooth loss or tooth movement.
  • Changes in the position of the teeth and the way they meet and stick together when the jaws are closed.
  • Changes in the location of false teeth (prosthetic teeth) or in the location of crowns.
  • Even if you do not notice any of these signs, it is possible that there is gingivitis to a certain degree, and gingivitis may affect only part of the teeth, such as the molars only, and the dentist or periodontist can diagnose and determine the degree of severity of gingivitis.

Getting rid of gum infections

Did you know that there are some natural recipes that help get rid of gum infections, which I will mention to you in the following paragraphs.

In the beginning and with following any of the methods that I will mention to you, Denta Calm Gel for the mouth  it helps to get rid of gum infections, in addition to the following recipes:

  • Rinsing with water and salt, it helps to kill bacteria that cause gum infections.
  • Grease the gums with oil: Putting coconut or almond oil on the gums for 30 minutes, then cleaning the mouth with water may help get rid of gum infections.
  • You can steep a black tea bag in boiling water for 5 minutes, and when the bag cools down, place it on your inflamed gums for about 5 minutes. 
  • It is also recommended to use tea oil, by mixing 3 drops of it in a glass of warm water, and rinsing with it three times a day.
  • Aloe vera has proven to be an effective treatment for scratches and burns, but it also appears to be beneficial for gums, as research has shown that aloe vera toothpaste was as effective as commercial toothpastes for reducing gum bacteria. 
  • You can use aloe vera gel as a mouthwash without adding anything to it, three times during the day, up to do you feel better .
  • The site recommends grinding six guava leaves, adding the powder to a cup of boiling water, letting it cool for 15 minutes, and then rinsing daily.


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